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Monday, February 25, 2008


IN Linux design principles are any other traditional,nonmicrokernel UNIX implementation.
It is a multiuser,multitasking system with a full set of UNIX-compatible tools.Linux file system address to traditional UNIX semantics and the standared UNIX networking model is implemented
Fully.The internal details of Linux design have been influenced heavily by the history of this operating systems development.
Although Linux runs on a wide variety of platforms,it was developed exclusively on PC architecture.A great deal of that early development was carried out by individual
enthustasts, rather than by well-funded development or research facilities.so the start Linux attemped to squeeze as much functionally as possible from limited resources.Linux can run happily on a multiprocessor machine with hundreds of megabytes of main memory and many gigabytes of diskspace.Is capable of operatingsyatem usually in under 4 MB of ram.

AS,the PCs become more powerful and as memory and hard-disk becomes cheaper.Linux kernel grew to implement more UNIX functionality.speed of efficiency are still important design goals,but much of the recent and current work on Linux has cocentrated on a third major design goal.One of the prices paid for the diversity of UNIX implementations currently available is that source code written for the flavour may not necessarily compile or run correctly on another.Even when the same system calls are represent on two different UNIX system,they do not behavily exactly same way.The POSIX standareds comprise a set of specifications of different aspects of operating-system behaviour.There are POSIX documents for common operating system functionally and for extensions such as process threads and realtime operations.Linux is designed to be compliment with thr relevant POSIX commands.

Because,it represents standareds interfaces to both the programer and the userr.Linux presents few surprises to anybody familiar with UNIX.The section on the programer interfaces and user interfaces of BSD apply equally well to Linux.However , the Linux programing interfaces address to SVR4 UNIX semantics,rather than to BSD semantics in places where the two behaviours are significantly different.

Many other standareds exists in the UNIX world,but full certification Linux against them is sometimes slowed because they are often available only for a fee,and the expense involved
in certifying an operating systems compliance with most standareds issubstantial. However ,supporting a wide base of applications is important of any operating system,so implementation of standards is a major goal for Linux devewlopment,. n addition
to basic POSIX standared,Linux currently supports the POSIX threading extensions.

IN Linux kernel forms the core of the Linux project.It is desigined to composed entirely of code written from the scratch specially for the Linux project.and much of supportig of softeare that makes of the Linux system is not exclusively to Linux but is common to
Number of UNIX like operating systems.

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